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Photos - C Stock Driver's Cab

Fig.1: C Stock Cab after refurbishment

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The C Stock driver's cab in its present condition following refurbishment.  There are a number of additions to the cab since it was first in service in 1970. 

It has a new heavier cab seat and the door controls on the driver's desk, added a couple of years after the OPO conversion in 1984.  The DVA (Digitised Voice Announcement) system control is the box seen on the front right of the driver's desk over the wire cup holder.  New emergency equipment pods added to the rear door and rear cab wall, were also added during refurbishment.

The cab light switch is still on the offside console, meaning the driver still has to stretch over to the right to reach it when the train is moving.

A nice big, heavy cab seat is provided, which is a bit better that the old one, which was a real back breaker.

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Fig. 2: C Stock Drivers Desk

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The driver's control desk of a C Stock fitted for one person operation (OPO).  Although the basic layout is the same as when the stock was built, there have been a number of alterations.

The combined traction/brake controller (CT/BC) is on the left.  It has a spring-loaded deadman's handle.   The reverser key housing, with the key handle showing, is on the right.  These have not changed.

As seen here, the cab has been "opened up" and the train is ready to drive.  The reverser key is in the off position.  The CT/BC deadman's handle, is released but, as the holding brake position is selected, releasing the handle prevents the emergency brake applying.

The grey moulding with the black and red push buttons for door control was added a couple of years after the introduction of OPO in 1984 to help reduce station stopping time.  The push buttons are split into two open (red) and one close (black) for each side of the train. 

The Pilot Light indication is repeated twice on the driver's desk.  Its original location is on the gauge panel next to the MA Indicator and an additional indicator on the door control panel to the left of the left side door open/close buttons.  In practice one uses the old light as the new one is obscured by the CTBC handle when in the 'Off and Release' position.

The small steel cage on the right hand side of the window has been added to provide a cup holder.  When the stock first entered service in 1970, the gauge panel in the centre of the control desk was regularly damaged by spilt tea and dropped cigarette ends - smoking was allowed then.  The transparent plastic cover was added as protection very early on.  The cup holder appeared at refurbishment.  Photo by District Dave.

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Fig. 3: C Stock Combined Traction/Brake Controller (CT/BC)
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The C Stock combined traction/brake controller showing all the positions.  The controller is in the normal resting position when the train is opened up ready to go.  The handle is spring loaded against depression to act as the driver's safety device - the famous "deadman's handle".  Photo by District Dave.

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Fig. 4: PA Controls

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At refurbishment, the C Stock was provided with an automatic public address system.  It allows the driver to select a route and for the PA system to announce the stations automatically as the train progresses along the route.  It is known as the DVA or Digital Voice Announcer.

The controls allow the driver to select a route, select peak and off-peak announcements and even announce a "closed station".  Special routes can also be programmed separately.

It is also possible to select manual announcements such as, "Let the passengers off the train first please".   Some drivers do this better than others.

The system operates by checking the distance the train has travelled against the known distances in the DVA system.  It can be recalibrated by the operator checking the station announcement against the actual station arrived at.  Photo by District Dave.

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Fig. 5: Door Controls
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This is the original C Stock door control panel fitted to the rear offside wall of the driver's cab.  When the stock was operated by a two-man crew, the guard worked from this panel and another, similar panel on the nearside.   The panels were positioned so that the guard could look down the train from the rear towards the front.

The control buttons on the panel include four along the bottom, reading from left to right, open, close, open, signal.  Both the open buttons need to be pressed to allow the doors to open.   "Signal" is used to ring the bell in the cab at the front of the train.

The two buttons on the right of the panel near the hinges are the cab door open and close buttons.  Two two buttons next to them are the end door cut out buttons.  The white button is "selective close", where all but one pair of doors will close - to retain car heat during long layovers.  The black glass covers the pilot light indicating that all passenger doors are closed.  The light was protected in this way to make it easier to see in bright light.

Now that trains are provided with "correct side door enable" to prevent doors being opened on the wrong side of the train, an override is provided (the yellow button), next to the indicator lamp showing that the doors are enabled.  Photo by District Dave.

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Fig. 6: Offside Console

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The offside control console in the C Stock driver's cab as equipped for one-person operation.  The controls provided on this desk include MCBs for cab and front of train lighting, a speed control cut out switch and the brake test unit.

The rotary cab light switch was added during refurbishment to allow one or both interior lights to be selected.   Before this alteration, there was one small bulb operated directly off the MCB, which doubled as a switch.  Drivers still use this to switch on the lights as it is less difficult to use than the rotary switch.

The brake test controls are arranged to allow the continuity of the train line to be verified.  This ensures that there is a safety brake system available on all cars.  It was installed at refurbishment but is not yet officially used by train staff.

The speed control cut out switch is to by-pass the 10 mph speed limit imposed for three minutes after a train is tripped.

All the on-board safety systems are provided with emergency cut-out switches like this but they are sealed (as shown here) so that any operation can be detected. 

Below this console is a cabinet containing the uncoupler control switches.  Photo by District Dave.

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